Let’s talk a bit more about all this crazy stuff.

I completed my Graphic Design Degree at KCAI in 2021, with a thesis focused on A.I. art generation both conceptually and in practice, for designers. Currently, I work full-time as an associate art director, and on the side, I'm exploring how we can use these techniques to enhance our curiosity, creativity, and productivity.

With the right tools, we can get some of the tedious stuff out of the way and dive deep into what makes us truly excited n our work, all thanks to some nifty automation and RLHF. My goal with this website is to share resources, knowledge, and tools that can help others take advantage of these advancements. I've talked my own friends' ears off about these ideas enough, so it's time to let the rest of the population in on them.
In my free time, I enjoy developing new and innovative concepts and systems. I'm also interested in exploring the broad application of this technology across creative fields. If you're into stuff like streamlined systems, machine learning in art, AI-powered asset generation, or just curious about my work, give me a shout! I'm always up for a chat.

Below are some recent experiments that showcase the potential of this new technology.

Disclaimer: These resources are tools, and should be treated as such. AI image generators, LLMs, and other AI-powered tools will never replace the taste of an experienced artist/designer.
